Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Catdog is getting comfortable in his new look, he is currently locked in the garage. I'm doing laundry and he didn't want to come in the house...so in the dark he is!
I worked my movie detail today..it started at 7 am, I watched some movies I own...didn't have time to make it blockbuster yesterday. I watched As good as it gets with Helen Hunt...she is a hottie. Now the funny part...I started watching this lesbian movie "Go Fish"...I saw it many years ago and Celia had left it over here. So, here I am sitting on the side of the road watching and some naked sex scenes are playing on the screen....no big deal....but the flagman had stopped traffic and cars were stopped next to me....I'm not really sure if people can see my computer screen and I look out my window and there is mom in her soccer van and her kid in the front seat both staring at me, I'm like "Oh Shit!" did she see that a sex scene was on and wondering WTF? I casually lean forward like stretching to block the screen from her view.....I waited for her to call in a complaint, it didn't happen yet. I decide I can't watch this movie anymore and pull out the movie "Monster" about Aileen Wournos the lesbian serial killer, I remembered there were sex scenes in that but nothing like "Go Fish".....I wasn't going to deny watching a movie just lie about which one I was watching....LOL
Lisa moved out of Yvette's house yesterday and surprisingly (not really) I get a text message from Yvette letting me know her new cell px and "not to be a stranger"...i laughed and didn't respond.
I sent Celia a text today asking what she was doing, she tells me she about to start an autopsy on a decomposed body.....I text her later and tell her to talk dirty to me and she tells me the guy was green and really stunk bad.....not what I had in mind but oh well.
Going to mom's house in the morning to drop off party stuff and then work tomorrow and thursday. Friday I will be shopping for liquor and food for the party. I will try to keep you guys updated and hopefully on Sunday have the pictures up on Kodak Gallery.....too much bandwidth to do it here.
I caught the last few minutes of Oprah today she had the gay Mcgreevey's wife on, what an ass that guy was and is.
I'm gonna finish the laundry and get in the bed for another round of citizen stupidiness.....Miss you guys..130 days...Let me know when you guys buy the show tickets....I want you to get paid to be my bitches right away!!!


celxely said...

Now, wait a minute! Quit tellin people I leave my porn at your house! I didn't like the movie, so I gave it to you. I like my porn to be more up-to-date.

JerseyGirlz said...

If you like porn to be "more up-to-date" then why don't you create your own porn!

celxely said...

HAHAHA!! Maybe, could always use the extra cash. The corner isn't as thriving as it once was.....