Sunday, May 20, 2007

Judge Judy Rocks!!!

Okay, I realize I have an obsession, but it's okay Celia only encourages it! This is so awesome..none of you should be jealous...It's only a picture...much love to Celia for getting that for me..I guess she was tired of me bitching about it!!! Judge Judy gave me her best!!!
Had a great weekend, Celia visited, although Catdog and Sadie got the boot from the bed because Molly was being a can a 5 pound dog be a hog you say? She just is...she takes over and my kids couldn't get any sleep....they napped all afternoon..
I sending my check bitches tomorrow morning for the shows...i screwed up the font and don't know how to fix it just right now so live with it....i forgot to get 2 cent stamps while i was out today, so i'm spending an extra 39 cent stamp to get it to you guys....i paid 78 cents to send you the check...might as well be fed ex at those
long week ahead....I have some cute pictures of the children I will post this week. Muuuuaaahhhh....miss you guys!!