Sunday, May 20, 2007

Judge Judy Rocks!!!

Okay, I realize I have an obsession, but it's okay Celia only encourages it! This is so awesome..none of you should be jealous...It's only a picture...much love to Celia for getting that for me..I guess she was tired of me bitching about it!!! Judge Judy gave me her best!!!
Had a great weekend, Celia visited, although Catdog and Sadie got the boot from the bed because Molly was being a can a 5 pound dog be a hog you say? She just is...she takes over and my kids couldn't get any sleep....they napped all afternoon..
I sending my check bitches tomorrow morning for the shows...i screwed up the font and don't know how to fix it just right now so live with it....i forgot to get 2 cent stamps while i was out today, so i'm spending an extra 39 cent stamp to get it to you guys....i paid 78 cents to send you the check...might as well be fed ex at those
long week ahead....I have some cute pictures of the children I will post this week. Muuuuaaahhhh....miss you guys!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ahhh this is my life working in th ghetto!
I posted Celia's blog and have to say, she is quite ambitious! If I would have known she was replacing a light fixture, I would have 9-1-1 on speed dial..but she did it good for her! I would have love to seen her running from the wasp, arms flailing, picking up the dog and barricading herself in the bathroom. That's funny.
My bitches in Jersey sending me pictures of all their money they won on Saturday night, YOU better be saving that money...lucky bitches
Tracy answer me this, I bought a scratch off "texas hold em" lottery ticket. My two cards were 7 and 6 of hearts, I was playing against Queen spades and Queen cards were 4 hearts, 5 spades, queen hearts, 4 diamonds and 3 diamonds...So had a straight right? The other cards only had three of a kind...doesn't a straight beat 3 of a kind? I take it to cash it in and the lady tells me it's not a winner? What should I do? This is why I don't play poker..too complicated.

Celia's Blog

A first in my homeownership skills! I changed the light on my porch! The old one didn't work and was rusted and ugly. So, I spent about 45 min at the store looking at lights and trying to pick one out. I finally found a not-so-expensive one that had the energy star and is motion sensored. Then I left the isle cause I wasn't going to buy it. (unnecessary expense) Once I got all the other stuff I needed (I'm going to remove the popcorn from my ceiling-that will be another story), I realized it was under $10 and the gift cert I had was worth more, so I went and grabbed the light.
Got home, took the old one apart and noticed a bunch of cracks above my exterior door frame. I'll need to get caulking for that. Something flew out of it at me, but I was busy untwisting wires and trying not to electricute myself. Putting the new one on was relatively simple and when I flipped the switch, I was estatic to find it working! In my excitement, I didn't hear the buzzing behind me. It was a wasp! I ran inside before it could sting me and retrieved my wasp spray. Back outside, I sprayed in all the holes above my door, only to find out the wasp wasn't in there anymore. So, I'm captive inside at the moment, hoping the pissed off wasp will go away so I can go to the store for more spray (used it all ) and caulk.
In any case, here's my new light!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mexican Birthday Party!!!!

Oh my~ Celia got her Mexican groove on last night...."Margarita please....margarita please.....margarita please..." hah hahahhah she had a great time! I had to keep her out of grandma's double shower head bathroom, she kept trying to drag me in there! Hello? I'm the bartender....I'm a busy girl...don't have time to go the shower now !!! Hahahahhaha
I don't have time tonight to get all the pictures up..I promise this week....Crazy thunderstorm rolling through today....Celia grabbed her bitch bag and ran out with Molly to get home to beat it...she got there okay...
Something happened to my sunglasses last night at the Oakley wire framed (read $$$$) glasses are gone......uggghhh I'm trying to save my money for my vacation and I'm gonna end up having to buy new sunglasses that friggin sucks....I do take care of my eyes and sunglasses are a necessity here, besides it keeps me from getting really bad crows feet around my eyes at 40! LOL
I'm going to be working Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun this week...another drag ass week.
Celia and I came back from getting the newspaper this morning....such a simple life...walking in the house I tell her...I wish it was September or October and she says why? Hurricane season?...I say no..I would be getting ready to watch the Buccaneers game on a Sunday. I love football..
To end this....what if....your best friend from high school (not now) told you that she was sleeping with her step-father....would that disturb you?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Catdog is getting comfortable in his new look, he is currently locked in the garage. I'm doing laundry and he didn't want to come in the in the dark he is!
I worked my movie detail started at 7 am, I watched some movies I own...didn't have time to make it blockbuster yesterday. I watched As good as it gets with Helen Hunt...she is a hottie. Now the funny part...I started watching this lesbian movie "Go Fish"...I saw it many years ago and Celia had left it over here. So, here I am sitting on the side of the road watching and some naked sex scenes are playing on the big deal....but the flagman had stopped traffic and cars were stopped next to me....I'm not really sure if people can see my computer screen and I look out my window and there is mom in her soccer van and her kid in the front seat both staring at me, I'm like "Oh Shit!" did she see that a sex scene was on and wondering WTF? I casually lean forward like stretching to block the screen from her view.....I waited for her to call in a complaint, it didn't happen yet. I decide I can't watch this movie anymore and pull out the movie "Monster" about Aileen Wournos the lesbian serial killer, I remembered there were sex scenes in that but nothing like "Go Fish".....I wasn't going to deny watching a movie just lie about which one I was watching....LOL
Lisa moved out of Yvette's house yesterday and surprisingly (not really) I get a text message from Yvette letting me know her new cell px and "not to be a stranger"...i laughed and didn't respond.
I sent Celia a text today asking what she was doing, she tells me she about to start an autopsy on a decomposed body.....I text her later and tell her to talk dirty to me and she tells me the guy was green and really stunk bad.....not what I had in mind but oh well.
Going to mom's house in the morning to drop off party stuff and then work tomorrow and thursday. Friday I will be shopping for liquor and food for the party. I will try to keep you guys updated and hopefully on Sunday have the pictures up on Kodak Gallery.....too much bandwidth to do it here.
I caught the last few minutes of Oprah today she had the gay Mcgreevey's wife on, what an ass that guy was and is.
I'm gonna finish the laundry and get in the bed for another round of citizen stupidiness.....Miss you guys..130 days...Let me know when you guys buy the show tickets....I want you to get paid to be my bitches right away!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Pussy Pictures!!!!

I really don't know where to start...Catdog is half the man he used to be....I call it a Catdog Extreme Makeover!!!!
Much thanks to Celia for spending so much time cutting the pussy!
I went shopping today, got some real margarita glasses!!! Went to Party City and got some cool stuff for the party this's gonna be cool,,,
The second pinata arrived today...along with the stick to hit it with....weapons I like weapons...LOL...
Celia makes up shit when she comes and visits....she said I talk in my sleep...I say bullshit...I have never talked in my sleep....please don't spread rumors...(and don't talk to me in my wakes me up) LOL
131 Days left...oh my....I can't wait to tear up Las VegAS!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Quick post

I'm tired....pussy was shaved.....will post pictures tomorrow. Is it really only 132 days until Vegas???

6 days to Birthday/Cinco De Party...mmmmm I wonder what kind of drama will come out of that..

Miss all of you guys...

No donuts...that sucks