Monday, May 14, 2007

Celia's Blog

A first in my homeownership skills! I changed the light on my porch! The old one didn't work and was rusted and ugly. So, I spent about 45 min at the store looking at lights and trying to pick one out. I finally found a not-so-expensive one that had the energy star and is motion sensored. Then I left the isle cause I wasn't going to buy it. (unnecessary expense) Once I got all the other stuff I needed (I'm going to remove the popcorn from my ceiling-that will be another story), I realized it was under $10 and the gift cert I had was worth more, so I went and grabbed the light.
Got home, took the old one apart and noticed a bunch of cracks above my exterior door frame. I'll need to get caulking for that. Something flew out of it at me, but I was busy untwisting wires and trying not to electricute myself. Putting the new one on was relatively simple and when I flipped the switch, I was estatic to find it working! In my excitement, I didn't hear the buzzing behind me. It was a wasp! I ran inside before it could sting me and retrieved my wasp spray. Back outside, I sprayed in all the holes above my door, only to find out the wasp wasn't in there anymore. So, I'm captive inside at the moment, hoping the pissed off wasp will go away so I can go to the store for more spray (used it all ) and caulk.
In any case, here's my new light!!!


celxely said...

Damn I'm GOOD!

Jerseygirlz2 said...

Good thing you are CUTE!