Thursday, March 8, 2007

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hi all!

I decided to start a blog...This is the Catdog and Sadie Show coming from the high crime area of Sanford, Florida!!! Where your neighbors steal the water from you and slash your tires for parking on the street!!! Stay tuned for the dirt on my high crime area!

All that know me will know why, to those that don't, you will find out. Sadie is the profile picture and this is Catdog.....yes, his name is Catdog.

I hope to keep up with this thing. Tommorrow I have a #$%^&*shudder$%^&U*I doctor's appointment. In the afternoon is the second phase of a promotional process. Can't wait to vent on that!!!

1 comment:

celxely said...

You crack me up, "truth seeker" !!!