Friday, March 9, 2007

A simple visit to the doctor

Well, the doctor told me that I have "Atopic Dermatitis", google it. You will find no where in the definition is the word "cootie" not another word. I then went to get prescriptions filled and much to my surprise the pharmacist tells me...."we don't have enough of your medicine.....we have to wait until the next TRUCKLOAD comes!!!! I almost fell you know my condition is serious if my medicine comes by the TRUCKLOAD!!!

Come home for a little and get ready to leave when I find my friggin neighbor's dog.....out....again....I gotta get on the woman who owns this dog. I have put the girl in her yard 3 times in the past week. I keep you updated.

Then I was off to my second phase of the highly subjective (read: corruptive) promotional process. That went well, considering that I arrived at the last minute and didn't have to speak to anyone who I compete with career wise.

Now, the fun part. Took the mother out on the the Home and Garden show. I never thought my Friday nights, in my mid-thirties would be hanging with my mom.

From there we went to visit the almost dead, but never dying grandmother who went into the hospital yesterday with pnuemonia or however the hell you spell it....she was sick (physically). Anyway, we make our way into her room and she tells us that "the doctor was in a foul mood, just like the rest of us" and then says she's having "problems with personnel"....uhhhh no grandma, they have problems with you.

Made it home and now Catdog is supervising the blog, while Sadie sleeps in the recliner.

Tomorrow is yard work go take my medicine now.

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