Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today is my only day off until next Tuesday, that really sucks. Anyway, my windshield cracked on the truck on Saturday. Today my f$#%^&* insurance company was supposed to send someone out today to replace it. They give me the bullshit 8-12 4 hour time frame, 12 comes around and no one has shown up. Here we go, I call...some dumb bitch in some call center somewhere says "We have no record for an appointment", well bitch here's my "referral" number...she finds it and I tell her when are they gonna show up...(she starts talking to someone else in her call center and I'm like excuse me and she says "i'm not talking to you". I'm like where is the guy who is supposed to fix my shit? She signs, says let me call and find out....puts me on hold.......................................................................oh he'll be there in 45 minutes, I say I got shit to do, I waited 4 hours already, reschedule not until next Tuesday will my shit get fixed....assholes....customer service sucks these days.

Anna Nicole died from a drug overdose......who would have thought? I thought she was only "acting" all those times we say her!

I'm having issues getting my Sergeant's project together. I don't have a word processing program on my computer, I'm cheap, they're expensive. I have pictures that I took that I need to photoshop, guess what. don't have that program either. Talking to my mom and she says, oh I just bought a new laptop and I'm having it setup with Windows 2007. I'm like, yessssss, I'll use her shit, she's like, it's not loaded yet, they have to send it to me. OH FUCK, my shit has to be at the printer by Tuesday, I don't push don't push Lynn. She's like why?, I tell her and said nevermind, I'll go get some construction paper and glitter for my project. She starts laughing and says "your so stupid" ha ha hah ahahaha I know it, get your computer loaded.

I'm getting a new gun on Monday for work, a Sig Sauer .357. Ahhhh, I don't give a shit, never used the thing before....LOL....

Yesterday, I go to this call at the "Community Mental Health Clinic" about a 8 year old who is out of control.....ha ha.. I think, this won't be hard.....I get there and the clinic worker says "It's only you? You are gonna need help with this one", I FUCKING HATE THAT, why don't you just say, you're a girl you can't handle this......I get in there and this kid is having a meltdown, screaming, grunting and....................being held down on the floor face down by his arms and legs, I try to talk to him, he just grunts.....he's mad as hell.....anyway....I handcuffed an 8 year old.....with the magic power those bracelets have, he calms the fuck down. I still don't know what he was mad at, but if he's that mad at 8, can't imagine what he's gonna turn out to be.

What is the deal with Dancing with the Stars show? I find it completely boring and stupid. People watching at the mall and airport is much more fun......but nothing tops Judge Judy....will someone get me a Judge Judy autograph??? LOL

Still haven't had time to get a countdown clock, but I will.



celxely said...

Poor kid probably needed a hug :o(

JerseyGirlz said...