Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why must I work so much?

I have to work. I can't win the lottery, that's only for people with 6 kids, that live in some backward ass part of the United States.

I am working two (yes I said 2) extra days this month and will haul in around $700.00. Why you ask, must I work these 2 extra days???

I'm going to Vegas baby!

I was checking out TRACY and Cathy's myspace page....just have to say it looks good...but please change the music, I like Sara Evans and all, but man the twang is killing me. Please Tracy change the song!! Sorry I missed your call yesterday, I had my phone on vibrate!!! LOL..
I went to the eye doctor yesterday. No new news, I'm still blind as a friggin bat!
Sadie's birthday was Monday, she turned the big 4!!! We hung outside almost all day, she missed her nap sessions. Yesterday, she ate her present from Celia, Molly and Graham! Thanks again!
I go outside to go to work this morning at 5:05 a.m and my fucking car won't start, nothing but click, click, click, click....being the independant woman that I am, I jump started it. I slammed both the hoods as loud as I could to wake up the neighbors....that's great...I giggled all the way to work! But then again I thought, oh shit, what kind of friggin day is this going to be? It was a busy day. It sucked.

My skin is better, I finish my medicine on Saturday, just in time to go to the grocery store. I have eaten everything in sight!
I have been busy working on my Sergeant's presentation which will be April 4. I have so much to do with that, but hopefully....this.....the sixth time will be the charm.

1 comment:

celxely said...

You like country but can't stand sara evan's "twang"??? How does that make sense? Why don't you look her up, you might change you mind ;o)