Monday, March 12, 2007

In honor of my sick friend


I get a text message from my dear, dear friend in New Jersey who says that she was in the hospital this weekend and Did I care????? Of course I do!!
Well, it turns out my dear, dear friend has bronchitis and needed breathing treatments. She got em. I told her I would send a get well card. Well consider my blog my get well card......stop crying and well, Ashleigh Banfield did a press release on my dear, dear friend's illness. I knew that Banfield was a bitch.
GET WELL MY DEAR FRIEND TRACEY!!!! (Anna Nicole's drama was much more exciting)


celxely said...

Aww, poor girl. See if she tells you the next time she's sick!!! That last pic must be for me.

Sanford Sadie said...

She will tell me everytime she is sick and Ashleigh Banfield thinks she a drama queen too!!!

Get well TRACY!!!!