Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today is my only day off until next Tuesday, that really sucks. Anyway, my windshield cracked on the truck on Saturday. Today my f$#%^&* insurance company was supposed to send someone out today to replace it. They give me the bullshit 8-12 4 hour time frame, 12 comes around and no one has shown up. Here we go, I call...some dumb bitch in some call center somewhere says "We have no record for an appointment", well bitch here's my "referral" number...she finds it and I tell her when are they gonna show up...(she starts talking to someone else in her call center and I'm like excuse me and she says "i'm not talking to you". I'm like where is the guy who is supposed to fix my shit? She signs, says let me call and find out....puts me on hold.......................................................................oh he'll be there in 45 minutes, I say I got shit to do, I waited 4 hours already, reschedule not until next Tuesday will my shit get fixed....assholes....customer service sucks these days.

Anna Nicole died from a drug overdose......who would have thought? I thought she was only "acting" all those times we say her!

I'm having issues getting my Sergeant's project together. I don't have a word processing program on my computer, I'm cheap, they're expensive. I have pictures that I took that I need to photoshop, guess what. don't have that program either. Talking to my mom and she says, oh I just bought a new laptop and I'm having it setup with Windows 2007. I'm like, yessssss, I'll use her shit, she's like, it's not loaded yet, they have to send it to me. OH FUCK, my shit has to be at the printer by Tuesday, I don't push don't push Lynn. She's like why?, I tell her and said nevermind, I'll go get some construction paper and glitter for my project. She starts laughing and says "your so stupid" ha ha hah ahahaha I know it, get your computer loaded.

I'm getting a new gun on Monday for work, a Sig Sauer .357. Ahhhh, I don't give a shit, never used the thing before....LOL....

Yesterday, I go to this call at the "Community Mental Health Clinic" about a 8 year old who is out of control.....ha ha.. I think, this won't be hard.....I get there and the clinic worker says "It's only you? You are gonna need help with this one", I FUCKING HATE THAT, why don't you just say, you're a girl you can't handle this......I get in there and this kid is having a meltdown, screaming, grunting and....................being held down on the floor face down by his arms and legs, I try to talk to him, he just grunts.....he's mad as hell.....anyway....I handcuffed an 8 year old.....with the magic power those bracelets have, he calms the fuck down. I still don't know what he was mad at, but if he's that mad at 8, can't imagine what he's gonna turn out to be.

What is the deal with Dancing with the Stars show? I find it completely boring and stupid. People watching at the mall and airport is much more fun......but nothing tops Judge Judy....will someone get me a Judge Judy autograph??? LOL

Still haven't had time to get a countdown clock, but I will.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

The assholes were out in force today!!!

On this date, in grandfather died. Grandpa, you were the best. I still miss you, but glad you aren't around to see what a mess your wife became.

My dear friend TRACY changed her song on their myspace page. Thank you so much!!! Much better on the ears!

OMFG! Today started out like shit, I mean shit. I'm rolling down the highway about 5:15 a.m...(BEEEEEEEEEEEEP) "SHOOTING WITH INJURIES AT......" I flip the lights and siren on and get up to uhhhh around 95 mph, traffic isn't bad, it's early. I'm on a road where there are two lanes in both directions.....other cars are moving until I get behind TWO other COP cars (blocking both lanes), just tootling down the fucking road and won't fucking move out of my fucking way!!!! (That call went over all channels, they had to have heard it) WTF you fucking retards....IF YOU ARE NOT BRAVE ENOUGH TO GO THAT CALL GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOU ASSWIPES.....I never would have thought another cop wouldn't get out of my fucking way.

I get there guy is boogered up pretty good, followed the rescue truck to the hospital. Get there, mister man has been shot many times a fan of those, but owwwiieeeee!!! Doctors are working on him and I hear one of the nurses, "Gonna put a catheter in now".....Me, exit the room, not gonna be around for that......go all the way to the other side of the ER and hear mister man screaming......sorry about your luck, but I'm thinking "It'll make you feel better" LOL

Get done with that and some bitch and mean she was a bitch calls about some car driving around her neighborhood acting "suspicious". I come across town and it took about 9 fucking minutes....I get there...I see the car...I try to pull it over and it takes off like a bat out of hell...can't chase the fucking thing....rules, rules, rules...anyway I get to her house and she starts screaming at me that she called over an hour ago and no one came. I call her on her bullshit and tell her that I found the car, but wouldn't pull over, while I was trying to pull the car over the cunt calls 9-1-1 demanding to see the POLICE....and explain to her why I wasn't there an hour bitch, I explained to you that I was trying to pull the car over and the reason I couldn't chase it...and she said...."oh so now I have to worry about my safety in my own home" you bitch this world isn't about you. I said you wanna see the exact time you called, come to my car, I fucking show you....she didn't want to see it.....asshole..she lightens up a little, not alot and say "Would you like a bottle of water?" No, Stick that bottle of water up your ass!

Okay now that I have outta the way, I'm trying to figure out a way to put a countdown clock on my blog. I'm counting down to Vegas baby!!!

Tracy and Cathy, the weather is beautiful this time of year, you should really think about moving here!!! Then I can move to Jersey during hurricane season.....can u guys switch jobs every six months????

I'm gonna kick the garbage man's ass....why do you feel it necessary to throw the lids 100 feet from the curb and then the cans just as far away in the opposite direction and blocking the driveway? Maybe it's not them, it might be the neighborhood busybodies, forcing me to take them in....

Ellen is coming to Universal Studios....she's okay, but that bitch she is with is HOT!!!

Going to work for $$$ tomorrow at a road construction....great news....they have port-a-potties for me to use....
Have you seen that new Subway commerical where the couple is in the drive thru of some other fast food restuarant and the woman orders "Thunder thighs and badonkeybutt"...makes me laugh

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why must I work so much?

I have to work. I can't win the lottery, that's only for people with 6 kids, that live in some backward ass part of the United States.

I am working two (yes I said 2) extra days this month and will haul in around $700.00. Why you ask, must I work these 2 extra days???

I'm going to Vegas baby!

I was checking out TRACY and Cathy's myspace page....just have to say it looks good...but please change the music, I like Sara Evans and all, but man the twang is killing me. Please Tracy change the song!! Sorry I missed your call yesterday, I had my phone on vibrate!!! LOL..
I went to the eye doctor yesterday. No new news, I'm still blind as a friggin bat!
Sadie's birthday was Monday, she turned the big 4!!! We hung outside almost all day, she missed her nap sessions. Yesterday, she ate her present from Celia, Molly and Graham! Thanks again!
I go outside to go to work this morning at 5:05 a.m and my fucking car won't start, nothing but click, click, click, click....being the independant woman that I am, I jump started it. I slammed both the hoods as loud as I could to wake up the neighbors....that's great...I giggled all the way to work! But then again I thought, oh shit, what kind of friggin day is this going to be? It was a busy day. It sucked.

My skin is better, I finish my medicine on Saturday, just in time to go to the grocery store. I have eaten everything in sight!
I have been busy working on my Sergeant's presentation which will be April 4. I have so much to do with that, but hopefully....this.....the sixth time will be the charm.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

So, I spent my entire day cleaning house. After this exhausting day, Catdog and I are relaxing drinking a beer.

My last day working (03/12/07) I encountered a woman who wanted to complain about her neighbor's "latin rap music" blaring next to her hmmmm 2:00 in the I go to listen to her 63 year old, ugly, lonely, got nothing else to bitch about ass, other than her "latin rap music blaring neighbors"..... So I listen, I don't hear shit from the neighbors house and she wants me to "make them stop their latin rap music blaring"...I'm like it's a tuesday afternoon, I don't hear shit..WTF do you want me to do?

"Throw them in jail!!!" ah ha! I get it you pathetic, lonely, ugly, woman, who has nothing to do ...demand me to violate someone civil rights because you "feel violated" about "latin rap music"......anyway I left doing....umm...let me see......nothing...

But I do have to say this...YOU STUPID, LONELY, UGLY WOMAN, PICK A PLACE TO LIVE BASED ON YOUR WAY OF LIVING RATHER THAN CALLING THE COPS...I HATE YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT,////THE PARANORIA IS deserve every single bit of bullshit your neighbors give you, YOU HAG!!!

Whew.....I feel better....

I have to work all weekend, but I'm sure I will post something during that time.

Monday, March 12, 2007

In honor of my sick friend


I get a text message from my dear, dear friend in New Jersey who says that she was in the hospital this weekend and Did I care????? Of course I do!!
Well, it turns out my dear, dear friend has bronchitis and needed breathing treatments. She got em. I told her I would send a get well card. Well consider my blog my get well card......stop crying and well, Ashleigh Banfield did a press release on my dear, dear friend's illness. I knew that Banfield was a bitch.
GET WELL MY DEAR FRIEND TRACEY!!!! (Anna Nicole's drama was much more exciting)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

More pictures

Well, as you can see I am going to further torture my good girls in New Jersey and Brevard County by posting more pictures. My goal is make them pin up internet models!!!! LOL
My dermatitis is doing well, but the medicine makes me want to eat everything in the house!!!
I'm off to watch the Nascar race. Not that I'm going far, only to the living room. Ta ta for now.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Umm, We are a little elderly for myspace

Well, since I am new at this I have had a request for more pictures. And my bitches in New Jersey have myspace. Their myspace page is pretty cool, my blog will be even cooler when I figure out all the crazy ass computer shit!!! So, since my mug is plastered all over their page, I am going to plaster their mugs all over mine.
More pictures to come!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

A simple visit to the doctor

Well, the doctor told me that I have "Atopic Dermatitis", google it. You will find no where in the definition is the word "cootie" not another word. I then went to get prescriptions filled and much to my surprise the pharmacist tells me...."we don't have enough of your medicine.....we have to wait until the next TRUCKLOAD comes!!!! I almost fell you know my condition is serious if my medicine comes by the TRUCKLOAD!!!

Come home for a little and get ready to leave when I find my friggin neighbor's dog.....out....again....I gotta get on the woman who owns this dog. I have put the girl in her yard 3 times in the past week. I keep you updated.

Then I was off to my second phase of the highly subjective (read: corruptive) promotional process. That went well, considering that I arrived at the last minute and didn't have to speak to anyone who I compete with career wise.

Now, the fun part. Took the mother out on the the Home and Garden show. I never thought my Friday nights, in my mid-thirties would be hanging with my mom.

From there we went to visit the almost dead, but never dying grandmother who went into the hospital yesterday with pnuemonia or however the hell you spell it....she was sick (physically). Anyway, we make our way into her room and she tells us that "the doctor was in a foul mood, just like the rest of us" and then says she's having "problems with personnel"....uhhhh no grandma, they have problems with you.

Made it home and now Catdog is supervising the blog, while Sadie sleeps in the recliner.

Tomorrow is yard work go take my medicine now.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hi all!

I decided to start a blog...This is the Catdog and Sadie Show coming from the high crime area of Sanford, Florida!!! Where your neighbors steal the water from you and slash your tires for parking on the street!!! Stay tuned for the dirt on my high crime area!

All that know me will know why, to those that don't, you will find out. Sadie is the profile picture and this is Catdog.....yes, his name is Catdog.

I hope to keep up with this thing. Tommorrow I have a #$%^&*shudder$%^&U*I doctor's appointment. In the afternoon is the second phase of a promotional process. Can't wait to vent on that!!!