Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!!

It's always great to hear from the girls in Jersey, I wish I had sweet neighbors like you...mine steals water from me...what an ass...

Oh, I forgot to mention in the last blog with the picture of the giraffe and me...the REDHEAD holding the child is Celia's sister and the child is her niece, Anna. Talk about the milkman coming around...LOL....Celia's mom was getting some action....LOL....

Sadie got a bath tonight, so she is not a happy camper right now, but the spoiled bitch gets to sleep in a bed every night...

I was going to do yardwork today. I got some serious weeds growing, like 6 inches tall.....hahahhah screw it....the anal asshole next door has to look at it...I'm thinking....lo0k you turd..I can grow stuff without using water....I hope it pisses you off everyday...sucker....don't screw with a cop that lives next dumbass....It doesn't bother me...if you and your little neighborhood nazi's sell, I'll fix it...until then look at it and get less for your house when you do sell it. I will live longer than you, out of spite...I promise.
I have to work the next three days, I will try to post a little something during that time.
To Celia:
I am serious about what we talked about last night. I can only hope that the good times we have shared will be even better in future and the not so good things will go away or at least be worked on. No drama here :)
Happy Easter bitches!!! I miss my peeps!


JerseyGirlz said...

Hey the farmers tan!!!!! Glad to see you haven't let go of the water incident with your neighbors, they may be a program for that!!!! Have a chaotic dinner at my neice's house. Dinner wasn't until 6:30 pm and I think my sister Judy stayed until 6:45. Can you say eat and run. It was loud!!!!!!!!!!! Kids running all over and one stupid 16 year old with his pants down to his knees wrestling with 5 years old and he wonders why he gets kicked in the balls. Anyway, that is all here...btw...fill me in on this conversation last night with Celia....hmmmmmmmmmm

celxely said...

If you guys are going to talk about me behind my back, can you at least do it somewhere where I CAN'T HEAR YOU?!?!?!??? :o) Bunch of BLONDES!

JerseyGirlz said...

Whatever! I am not a blond....duh!!!