Monday, April 16, 2007

Duck...gonna have more ducks!

Here is my nesting duck. Great, I got another mouth to feed around here!! I'll keep you up to date on Mama Duck.

Update on the Grandma drama, my mom went and saw her yesterday, she is only drinking water, no eating or medications, but her vitals are okay. She was able to hold a conversation for 10 minutes and she goes into la la land. She said she was going on a cruise out of Tampa and was pissed off that the schedule had changed......?????..oooookkkkkkaaaayyyyy.

The Virgina Tech shootings are so sad. What is wrong with people? I seriously think that things will only get worse. You send your kids to college so that they can take care of their parents when they get older and have a happy life, I feel so bad for those parents.

In response to those comments on my previous posts:

Celia was lucky, I went to the monthly grocery visit just a few days before and I was off that medicine that made me eat everything. LOL As far as cooking goes, it's not worth it for one person, but worth it for her (I didn't eat). Did I mention that Celia cleaned the kitchen?? Only because it was a wreck, so she worked for her food! LOL Dessert????? She was offered a Drumstick ice cream cone, but declined......don't go there Tracy and Cathy......

I work the next three days and I will be off this weekend. Celia will be at her sister's house to celebrate her 26 years!!!! Sadie is older than her....LOL

You like my duck? kinky headed honkys!!!!!

1 comment:

celxely said...

I had my drumstick for breakfast. It was a hard choice between the vanilla, vanilla fudge and mint. I think sara likes the vanilla fudge the best, so I went with vanilla :o) And that leads me to... "MY MILKSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD...."