Monday, April 9, 2007

Don't eat pepperjack cheese and habanero doritos

I have to tell you, didn't get a chance to eat lunch today at work and stopped at the 7-11. I don't like their sandwiches, so I get a slab of pepperjack cheese, habanero doritos and a diet coke. I know it's bad, but I was hungry. I'm eating and then I felt like my stomach was going to explode....holy cow....sheesh...holy not eat these items in the same sitting. Gonna pay for that little bit of dietary decision.
Soooo, Tracy and Cathy had an uneventful Easter least you got dinner, I had a whopper know better now, that's what life if all about, don't go to relatives houses with so many kids running around like maniacs....that's why you don't have them.....stay with the birthday parties they are much easier to leave quickly without being rude...just saying....I told you bitches to call in sick. Poor Judy...she needs to be part of our compound.
How come no one has gotten me a Judge Judy autograph????
Sadie got a bath last night, her fur went from dingy gray to white...waited a little too long for that bath.
My most annoying part of the day (not bitching, just saying)...cell phone companies that can't deliver a text message on time.....are they crazy or retarded? Sorry Trace, I had no idea, just thought I would wake you up too.....but of course your shit was off. Lucky girl.
Poor Molly was an orphan this weekend, Celia has been a hard working woman. I'm going to steal her, at least on the weekends she is on call.

1 comment:

JerseyGirlz said...

Is your ass still burning from doritos and jalapeno....dumb ass!